+41 52 303 00 00 info@nera-tech.com

The new one shot


With NeraOne we offer a flexible and compact One-Shot depositor which is based on the needs of our customers. Our innovative team, together with the feedback from our customers, has developed a new generation of filling machines for confectioners and chocolatiers.



Create your products in one step and without semi-finished products. Thanks to our technology, products can be made with a filling percentage of up to 80%.


Dose macaron shells and fillings with a single machine and thanks to the one-shot technology, two fillings can be dosed at the same time.


Our dosing technology can be used universally. You can also use the NeraOne to dress various masses or to decorate your pralines or petits fours.

Our machines

Compact & flexible

  1. Vibrationtable
  2. Horizontal vibration
  3. Side vibration
  4. 750mm Belt length
  5. Extension to 1500 mm belt length
  1. One-Shot for various shapes and blisters
  2. Filling of hollow spheres with the doubled capacity
  3. Dosing of pastry products
  4. Producing filled chocolate bars
  1. 3D One-Shot depositor
  2. up to 18 nozzles
  3. 3-axis movement
  4. Free-arm design for third-party belts
  5. Easy operation
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Visit us!

Would you also like to test your products on our machine? Then come and visit us and we will look at the possibilities together.


We are Nera

We are a young and enthusiastic team of engineers aiming to develop new solutions for the confectionery industry. Our focus is on a high degree of flexibility and a quick product changeover to support manual production. With the combination of traditional mechanical engineering and the latest software technologies, we build optimal solutions for our customers.


Join forces

We are looking for people and companies to support our project. If you are interested in our project, please contact us. We are pleased to meet you.

Confectioners and chocolatiers

We're looking forward to an exchange with you as a manufacturer of chocolate items, pralines and pastry.
We would like to test your products on our machine.


Does your company offer solutions for the machine industry?
Contact us and we will start a new cooperation.

Join our team

Become a part of Nera! We are always looking for great people to work with us on the project.

What's new?


Nera Technologies an der Südback

Premiere an der Südback in Stuttgart. Zum ersten Mal haben wir neben unserer OneShot Giessmaschine NeraOne auch den neuen 3D Drucker unserer Partnerfirma byFlow3d vorgestellt. Wir bedanken uns bei LCM und HansBrunner für den tollen Gemeinschaftsstand. Wir freuen uns auf die nächste Südback.

ProSweets Cologne

From 28 - 31 January we were at ProSweets Cologne to present NeraOne - our flexible and compact one-shot depositing machine for confectioners and chocolatiers.

We had a great time with lots of interesting encounters and conversations. Thanks to everyone who came along!

Erste Maschine in Asien
Joel Tschannen von Nera Technologies in Japan.
Erste NeraOne nach Asien verkauft

Wir haben unsere erste Maschine Mitte 2023 verkauft und seitdem bereits 15 Anlagen in der Schweiz und der EU abgesetzt. Trotz Herausforderungen wie schwankenden Kakaopreisen und Lieferverzögerungen planen wir, die Anzahl der verkauften Anlagen bis Ende des Jahres zu verdoppeln und zusätzliche Produktionslösungen anzubieten.

iba 2023

From October 22-26, the iba trade fair will take place in Munich - the leading trade fair for the baking and confectionery industry.

And we will be there together with LCM Schokoladenmaschinen.

With NeraOne we offer a flexible and compact one-shot depositing machine for confectioners and chocolatiers.

We're looking forward to your visit:
Hall A4 / Booth 450

2 Years of Nera
2 Years of Nera

It has already been 2 years since we started with the project Nera. We would like to celebrate this with you and open our doors on Friday, 14 July from 15.00 clock at Hubstrasse 66 in Wil SG.

Wir freuen uns auf euren Besuch und gemeinsam mit euch auf die ereignisreichen 2 Jahre und die erfolgreiche Zukunft anzustossen. Gerne sind auch eure Freunde, Kollegen und Familie willkommen.

New Dealership
New sales partner

Nera goes Japan.
Together with our new partner Crobbside we start to entering the Japanese market.
Thanks to Crobbside for supporting us an we’re looking forward to work with this great team.
#Neratech #startupcompany #Japan #chocolate

Interpack 2023
Interpack 2023

After 2 years of development we could finally present our machine to an international audience. We would like to thank all visitors at our booth at the Interpack in Düsseldorf.

Team Event at Maestrani
Team Event at Maestrani

At the end of the first quarter of 2023, we were allowed to visit the production of the company Maestrani. Many thanks for the interesting insights into the production of chocolate.

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Here you can find us



Nera Technologies AG
Hubstrasse 66
CH-9500 Wil SG


Rue de l’étang 24
+33 (0)6 29 15 57 57


Helios Bldg. 4F, 3-21-2 Motohama-cho,
Naka-ku, Yokohama,Kanagawa 231-0004